Services – SMSF
Self-Managed Super Fund Loans

Have you considered a SMSF property loan?
Use your super to invest in property.
Having a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) means you have direct control over where your money is invested, and investing into property is a popular way to grow your future wealth. If you are considering using your superannuation to invest in property, we can assist with securing flexible and competitive finance for the purchase. We can work with your financial planner or accountant to guide you through the process of establishing your new SMSF to prepare for a smooth finance application.
There is a small niche of lenders who specialise in SMSF property lending, and we are accredited with many of them so we can save you valuable time by doing the legwork for you.
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Case study: SMSF for success
Aged in his early 50’s, Matt intends to keep working until he reaches retirement age, but wanted to secure his future home at today’s property prices.
Matt approached Smooth Sailing Finance to find out how he could access his superannuation now to purchase the property he would like to live in for his retirement.
By using the funds in his superannuation to pay a deposit on his dream property, he was able to take out a loan under his SMSF to purchase the property now.
The property will be rented out and that income will be used to help repay the loan. By the time he is ready to retire, he will have repaid the loan and be able to retire in his dream home, debt free.
It’s never too late to set yourself up for a comfortable retirement